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Seata 1
c Roll you hands around and say 'cur car' (sounds like 'coor car' in English). It means rolly polly.
m Rub your tummy and say 'mmmmmm!'
d Play the drums and say 'dum dum dum'
s Throw something and say 'sad' (sounds like 'sat' in English). It means throw.
l click your fingers and say 'làmh' (sounds like 'lav' in English. It means hand.
r Wave your hands in the air and say 'ra ra ra' like you are cheering'.
a Place your hands like a hat on your head and say 'ad' (sounds like 'at' in English). It means hat.
o Shake your head and say 'od od od' (sounds like 'ot ot ot' in English). It means tut tut tut.
u This letter sounds like 'oo' in English. Stretch your arms up like a plant growing and say 'lus' (sounds like 'loose' in English. It means plant.
à This is just like an 'a' but more emphasised
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